2020 threw a curveball for nearly every sector, catalysing the mass transition to virtual interactions. While this movement has had its share of challenges, it has also presented an enormous opportunity for individuals and organizations alike to connect no matter the distance, timezone, or venue.

With 2021 in full swing, most of us are well acquainted with the world of Zoom backgrounds and gallery view in place of the hustle and bustle of conferences, jetting from meeting to meeting, and long commute times. As such, Digbee is delighted to announce our involvement in some very exciting virtual events in March.

Curious to discuss our on-demand, premium Digbee Research or how Digbee ESG will guide and propel the ESG movement? Tune in from March 1-5, where Digbee will be attending BMO Global Metals & Mining Conference.

In addition, the PDAC Convention from March 8-11 offers another great opportunity to meet, discuss, learn, and grow.

We hope to see you there!