About Jamie Strauss

Jamie’s career spans 30 years in finance, with 20 of these focused in the mining industry. He has worked in investment banking and raised over £1bn for resource projects globally. Prior to serving as Managing Director at BMO Capital Markets, Jamie founded, managed and sold a mining finance boutique. His current focus is on bringing positive change to the mining sector through Digbee products and solutions.

About Digbee

Digbee is a technology company committed to transforming one of the most important yet misconceived industries on the planet. Its aim is to mitigate risk, improve transparency and foster a stronger and better global mining community for all. The overriding mission is to make mining better.

About Digbee ESG

Digbee ESG is a free-to-access online ESG disclosure tool designed specifically for the mining industry. The tool provides right-sized frameworks for explorers, developers, producers and royalty companies that are aligned to over 25 global standards. After disclosing ESG activities at company and project level, each submission is assessed by impartial and independent ESG experts and scored based on a standardised, peer reviewed methodology. The output is a truly credible ESG assessment, trusted by investors and designed to help companies improve their performance, year on year.