
Jamie Strauss
Founder and CEO, Digbee
Jamie has over 30 years experience within mining finance and over a decade leading companies as an independent director, he boldly launched Digbee with the encouragement and endorsement of major financial stakeholders. He has a passion for the mining sector and a clear determination to improve its perception in society and finance through positive action and effective communication.

Philip Clegg
Managing Partner, Orion Resource Partners
Philip is a Portfolio Manager at Orion Resource Partners, a leading metals-focused private equity firm. He specializes in identifying, evaluating, and executing investments, focusing on commodities essential to the energy transition, like battery materials. Philip has a Master’s degree in Earth Sciences from Oxford University and extensive experience in public and private equity, streaming, royalties, and debt transactions.

Georges Lequime
Portfolio Manager, Amati Strategic Metals Fund
Georges Lequime is the Fund Manager for the WS Amati Strategic Metals Fund, joining Amati in March 2021. With over three decades of experience, Georges has held significant roles, including partner at the Earth Resource Investment Group and fund adviser for the award-winning Earth Gold Fund UI. He has led equity research at RBC Capital Markets and managed HSBC Global Mining’s North American region.

The mining industry is undergoing a significant period of disruption, driven by a new generation of investment priorities and the rising importance of sustainability. This was the focus of our recent webinar, “The Generation Shift in Mining Investment and Why You Should Care,” where industry experts discussed the evolving landscape and its implications.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Industry Disruption: The mining sector is experiencing transformative changes that are reshaping how investments are approached and managed.
  2. Sustainability as a Priority: Sustainability has emerged as the foremost consideration in due diligence processes. Both panel members emphasised the critical role it plays in financing decisions. Philip noted that sustainability is at “the top of the list for Investment committee and due diligence procedures.” Georges reinforced this by stating, “we scrutinise [ESG] very closely and it’s really binary,” highlighting a marked shift from practices just five years ago.
  3. AI and Future Opportunities: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising the industry by uncovering new geological prospects and enhancing value creation. The integration of AI in mining is paving the way for more efficient and effective operations.
  4. Importance in Financing: The panel underscored that sustainability is not just a compliance issue but a strategic priority. Philip pointed out that capital allocators are keen to ensure that portfolio companies prioritise sustainability. This focus helps restore confidence and facilitates capital flow, crucial for market adherence to best practices.
  5. Advice for Companies Seeking Capital: When asked for advice to companies seeking investment, Georges emphasised the need for preparedness on ESG issues to secure the social license to operate. Philip advised management teams to clearly articulate their vision and maintain transparency about their challenges. Companies that do this effectively tend to make a strong impression on investors.