Vancouver, Canada based company, Mawson Gold, leads the way by being the first company through the Digbee ESG disclosure process to publish their ESG scores and detail. Digbee celebrates Mawson’s transparency and welcomes this step on their ESG journey.

More about Mawson Gold

“The corporate objectives are to discover and develop large, long-life, sustainable assets with respect and consideration for our employees, communities, stakeholders and the environment around which we work.”

Find their news release here and their Digbee ESG scores here.

About Digbee ESG

Digbee ESG is an ESG disclosure platform for the mining industry. A future-looking, right-sized set of frameworks, aligned to the key global standards and accepted by leading stakeholders. It hugely simplifies ESG disclosure, rewards management for the action they take on the ground and in the boardroom, and fulfils the Board’s increasing obligation to ESG.

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