Canadian Gold and Copper Exploration Company, Capella Minerals Ltd, show full transparency around their ESG journey by publishing their full ESG report and first year scores.

Digbee celebrates Capella’s transparency and welcomes this step in their ESG journey. Eric Roth, President and CEO at Capella commented:

"We are pleased to have chosen Digbee as the platform through which to report the Company's ESG strategy and action plans going forward.  This demonstrates our commitment to adopting and striving to achieve globally acceptable ESG standards as we work together with local stakeholders in an open and transparent fashion whilst continuing to advance our high-grade copper and gold projects in Scandinavia and Canada.”

More about Capella Minerals

Capella Minerals Ltd is a Canadian gold and copper exploration and development company with highly-prospective projects located in the favourable jurisdictions of Scandinavia and Canada. Capella’s Scandinavian portfolio consists of the Løkken and Kjøli copper-zinc projects in Norway, the Katajavaara gold-copper project in Finland, and the Southern Gold Line Project in Sweden.

More information can be found in their press release.

About Digbee ESG

Digbee ESG is an ESG disclosure platform for the mining industry. A future-looking, right-sized set of frameworks, aligned to the key global standards and accepted by leading stakeholders. It hugely simplifies ESG disclosure, rewards management for the action they take on the ground and in the boardroom, and fulfils the Board’s increasing obligation to ESG.

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