First company to undertake the Digbee disclosure process, Bunker Hill today outlined Digbee’s unique proposition in response to a question on Twitter:

“The innovative thing about what Digbee is doing is that they have detailed insights into the corporate and project level functions that are unique to mining companies.”

Many scoring and evaluation platforms are unable to evaluate mining companies because of this uniqueness. Ironically, the mining industry may be the one most in need of this type of evaluation and transparency.”

This combines with the Digbee scoring and evaluation emphasis on demonstration of ESG principle through actions and measured impacts, not just policy documents and goals.
These two aspects combine to form something valuable and innovative — it is also unique in being able to showcase the power of the business model Bunker Hill is founded on.”


Bradley Barnett, Vice President of Sustainability at Bunker Hill Mining Corporation, was quick to praise Digbee in April 2021:

“We are proud to be Digbee’s first ESG client, the solution provided us with the template of what to disclose. We found the process enjoyable and pain-free and look forward to the benefits it provides management both on the ground and with our external partners.”


More about Bunker Hill Mining Corp.

Bunker Hill Mining, is building a modern, sustainable mining company, with the world-class Bunker Hill Silver-Lead-Zinc mine as their cornerstone asset. Led by a new experienced management team comprised of former executives from Barrick, and with a new ESG-guided vision, their aim is to re-start the mine in H2 2023 while concurrently exploring its significant silver potential at depth.

Details of Bunker Hill’s Digbee rating can be found in this recent company update.

Bunker Hill’s commitment to ESG is outlined here.

Bunker Hill company and project details can be found on the Digbee database.


About Digbee ESG

Digbee ESG is an ESG disclosure platform for the mining industry. A future-looking, right-sized set of frameworks, aligned to the key global standards and accepted by leading stakeholders. It hugely simplifies ESG disclosure, rewards management for the action they take on the ground and in the boardroom, and fulfils the Board’s increasing obligation to ESG.

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